TCPDUMP command packet capture Usage

So, it’s been a little while since my last update. We’ve been quite busy recently, but for those interested in learning more about tcpdump and physically capturing packets.

List Interfaces that can be tcp dumped

tcpdump -D

Listen on Interface eth0

tcpdump -i eth0

Listen to Xenserver domain 16 on public net

tcpdump -i vif16.0 

Listen on any interface

tcpdump -i any

Super duper High verbosity tcpdump

tcpdump -vvvv -i eth0 

Be verbose and print data of each packet in both hex and ASCII

tcpdump -v -X -i eth0

Be less verbose

tcpdump -q 

Limit the capture of packets to 100

tcpdump -c 100 -i eth0 

Display IP addresses and port numbers instead of domain and service names when capturing packets (note: on some systems you need to specify -nn to display port numbers):

tcpdump -n

Capture any packets where the destination host is Display IP addresses and port numbers:

tcpdump -n dst host

Capture any packets where the source host is Display IP addresses and port numbers:

tcpdump -n src host