Converting a QEMU qcow2 cloud server image to an native disk img and putting on physical disk

Got this question at work a lot. Thought I’d finally get around to putting it down since it’s came up for me. I’ve got a virtual machine using virtio passthrough for my pcie, and I found actually that disk access via the qcow2 is pretty naff.

sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm

qemu-img convert windows10cloudimage.qcow2 -O raw diskimage.img

dd if=/path/to/windos10cloudimage.qcow2 of=/dev/sdc2

Please note in my case the physical partition I’d made was sdc2. I’d actually resized another 5TB disk I have in my system using gparted. Just so I can attach a physical partition with libvirtd. Evidently though libvirtd-manager doesn’t allow this business so I have to edit the xlm file in /etc/qemu/windows10.xml .


root@adam:/etc/libvirt/qemu# virsh  define /etc/libvirt/qemu/win10-uefi.xml 
Domain win10-uefi defined from /etc/libvirt/qemu/win10-uefi.xml
root@adam:/etc/libvirt/qemu# virt-manager

yeah baby!

You could alternatively do it all in one like below, though you may desire a copy of the img file as well as putting it to the disk.

qemu-img convert windows10.qcow2 -O raw /dev/sdc